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Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-23 a la(s) 11.39.40.png


Cocoa Experience

We will visit the shaman of the Bribri area who will show us how the indigenous people work in the mountains, how they have remained so far from society and they will do energetic cleaning for us.

Lunch Authentic Bribri

We will go to eat at a typical restaurant in the area, with food made by the Bribri themselves.

Medicinal plants

We will take a walk around the farm where we will get to know different types of plants and trees from which we will learn about their medicinal uses in order to apply them in everyday life.

Bribri Waterfalls

Then we will visit the Bribri waterfalls, where we can take a refreshing bath in a jungle environment.


Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-23 a la(s) 11.39.40.png

Chaman Bribri

Meeting Marcelino the Shaman of the farm was truly incredible, being able to delve into the life of the Bribri, listening to their stories and fables, it was quite an experience.
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